Climate change is projected to make bushfire conditions worse in Victoria and increase the frequency and severity of fire events. The advances made through risk-based approaches to bushfire management have been significant and have contributed to strategic bushfire...
Managers of pine plantations note that at various different age classes and after thinning, plantations are often heavily impacted by woody weed encroachment, primarily blackberry. They hypothesise that blackberry is a contributor of rate of spread and subsequent...
Large-scale bushfires are resulting in long-term negative declines in ecosystem resilience and ecological values across Victoria. The scale, frequency and intensity of these fire events is predicted to increase with future climate change. Identifying the management...
Understanding how the dryness of the landscape influences the likelihood and nature of fires is critical for risk planning for fire and land managers. Consequently, there has been a large amount of research to develop landscape dryness products. Yet, substantial...
Irregular autumn burns and bushfires unintentionally promote woody-shrub encroachment, intensify fires, and hinder our ability to conduct low-intensity prescribed burning in Victoria. In the context of increasingly flammable climates and decreasing biodiversity, a new...