Aaron Heap

Aaron Heap

Aaron originates from Aotearoa (New Zealand) and brings with him a background in biodiversity management, conservation, and freshwater ecology. Since moving to Australia he has completed a Masters of Ecosystem Management and Conservation at the University of...
Lily Wheeler

Lily Wheeler

Lily is a PhD candidate investigating the effect fire regimes and a changing climate have on biodiversity, with a focus on mammal species. She is interested in using a combination of field data and simulation modelling to predict how populations will change over time....
Mohamed Mohamed

Mohamed Mohamed

Mohamed Mohamed is commencing his PhD “Firebrand Ignition of Building Materials” under the supervision of Dr. Alex Filkov and Prof Trent Penman, in FLARE. He will focus on investigating the ignition of building materials by firebrands (glowing embers) and explore the...
Grace Vielleux

Grace Vielleux

Grace is a PhD candidate interested in studying the effects of fire severity on animals and their habitat. She wants to understand how severity impacts faunal abundance and what traits influence species’ resilience following a severe burn. She is also broadly...
Ha-Ninh Nguyen

Ha-Ninh Nguyen

Ha-Ninh Nguyen is a joint PhD candidate between the University of Melbourne and the Università di Corsica Pasquale Paoli (France), working on multiscale experimentation and simulation of wildfire spotting. Ha-Ninh’s background is in experimental aerospace and...