Case Studies and Current Research

Our case studies, current work in progress and scientific publications are based on in-depth investigations of the underlying principles of fire and their regimes

Case studies

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Our Publications

FLARE is dedicated to advancing our understanding of wildfire for the benefit of the community and the environment. Our team contributes to the global knowledge of fire through scientific publications, conferences and professional and educational activities.

Projects we are currently working on

Wildfire evidence briefs

How do we translate complex and evolving scientific knowledge about wildfire into clear guidance for decision makers and the public? Health and medicine have a strong track record of synthesising and summarising complex information on specific ...

Fine-scaled prioritisation of prescribed burning

FLARE Wildfire Research is working closely with fire agencies in south-eastern Australia to model risk and the mitigation available from different management strategies. Much of this work generates landscape-scale insights into treatment ...

Dynamic fire modelling and communication

This University of Melbourne-funded project builds on two related projects, Wildfire risk communication and New wildfire risk models, to develop a unified, dynamic platform for modelling and communicating wildfire risk. The key advance in this ...

New wildfire risk models

Scientists frequently build statistical models to explain aspects of bushfire risk, such as fire frequency, fire severity and seasonality. However, these models are often developed for specific case study areas and are generally not maintained ...

Assessing impacts of fire regime intensification in fire-adapted forests

Sclerophyll forests in southeast Australia have typically evolved alongside fire, and generally recover from single fire events. Anthropogenic climate change is increasing fire prevalence which means these forests are increasingly exposed to ...

Impact of prescribed burning scenarios on age class diversity

Prescribed burning is a common fire management strategy in Australia that is deployed to minimise wildfire risks through the reduction of fuel in fire-prone areas. The scale of prescribed burning has increased over the years to reduce the ...