This project builds on a related project – Overnight fire weather conditions in NSW during Black Summer – to explore spatial and temporal patterns in overnight fire weather conditions in south-eastern Australia. It will help to build up a picture of...
Every 5 years the Victorian Government delivers a Climate Hazards Synthesis report, with the next one due in 2024. This DEECA-funded project is contributing the bushfire chapter to the Climate Hazards Synthesis report. It aims to summarise the state of knowledge of...
It is not just daytime conditions that drive fire risk. Anecdotally, the Black Summer fires were characterised by intense fire behaviour during the evening, a time that fire-fighters usually rely on to get the upper hand. However, there has yet to be a careful...
Sclerophyll forests in southeast Australia have typically evolved alongside fire, and generally recover from single fire events. Anthropogenic climate change is increasing fire prevalence which means these forests are increasingly exposed to multi-fire events with...
Wilsons Promontory provides an example of how repeated short interval fires can prevent the regeneration of a Eucalyptus canopy in a range of ecological vegetation classes. The ‘destocking’ of forests can dramatically alter the composition, structure, and function...